Troubleshooting Push Button Start Problems

Troubleshooting Push Button Start Problems

Troubleshooting Push Button Start Problems

Troubleshooting Push Button Start Problems

You got into your car, pressed the start button, and... nothing. No response. Is your engine dead?

Hopefully not. Car engines don't die easily, but that little button is not quite as durable. Here's how to recognize car push button start problems, and how to fix them.

Symptoms of a Bad Push Button StartThe engine won't start.

The clearest sign of the issue with the push button start system is that nothing happens. Good news, your engine is most likely perfectly fine. Bad news, you will still have to see a mechanic.

A clicking noise.

Push buttons are usually quiet. If you hear a click, it could be an indication of a weak battery or a faulty starter motor.

A dashboard warning light.

Depending on your vehicle's make and model, you will find different warning systems that can help you diagnose the problem. Look for anything that indicates possible issues with the push button start system or the engine.

Fob Key

The key fob doesn't work.

In the case that the key fob is low on battery, the push button start won't work as well. Also, a shock or another issue can cause a loss of pairing. It should be an easy fix, so check your owner's manual for more info.

Brake pedal sensor issues.

Some push button start systems require you to depress the brake pedal before starting the engine. If the system doesn't recognize that the pedal is depressed, the brake pedal sensor may be broken.

Inconsistent starting.

Consistency is the keyword here. When you push that button, the engine should start (almost) immediately. The reaction time should be the same every time you start the car. If not, it may be a sign of a faulty push button or an issue with the electrical system.

What Repairs Do You Need to Do?

Change the battery.

This issue is the most common. A dead or weak battery is the most likely culprit in most cases.

Replace the battery in the key fob. If necessary, jump-start the car battery as well.

Replace the key fob.

In case of physical damage or big key fob failure, you may need to replace the whole thing. Try to reset the pairing first. The instructions should be in your owner's manual. If that doesn't work, get in touch with your mechanic or get a replacement.

Change the brake pedal sensor.

As explained above, a broken brake pedal sensor may prevent your push button start system from working. Check it for any faults and damage, and replace it if needed.

Replace the ignition switch.

The role of the ignition switch is to send power to the starter motor and start the engine. Look for any visible damage and replace the switch if necessary.

Replace the starter motor.

Zero response usually means the started motor is faulty. If it doesn't work, your engine can't start. Check it for damage and replace if necessary.

Reset the engine immobilizer.

An engine immobilizer prevents the engine from starting without the correct key. It's a feature in many modern cars that prevents them from being stolen.

If your car refuses to cooperate even when you're using the correct key, it could be to the engine immobilizer malfunction. Try to reset the system using the instructions in your vehicle's owner's manual. If the reset fails, contact your mechanic.

Can You Fix a Bad Push Button Start without a Mechanic?

We highly recommend that an experienced mechanic checks out your vehicle. While some issues are easy to fix on your own, attempting to do so without proper expertise and knowledge can cause further damage.

However, if you know your way around a car, here are a few solutions.

  • Replace the key fob battery.
    Check the owner's manual for the appropriate battery type.
  • Replace the starter motor.
    Some owner's manuals have detailed instructions for this job.
  • Reset the system.
    Your vehicle's owner's manual has all the instructions for this.
  • Replace the brake pedal sensor.
    We recommend this only to more experienced users. Check for any damage on the part and replace it if needed.

If you can stop by our brick and mortar store in Miami, FL, feel free to ask our staff for additional information and recommendations. Visit our online store for high-quality aftermarket parts.

Partsmax Warehouse is the largest aftermarket auto parts and accessory warehouse in Florida. We are very proud of our competitive prices and high customer satisfaction. 


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